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Among the peoples
There is always the doubt
For these peoples
To be still in the list
Of the Countries to be civilized
And that any pretext would be licit
To intervene in their internal problems
It is essential and a priority
To enhance a dialogue among the peoples
Whereby all the peoples of the Earth
Would have the right
Sanctioned by the U.N. Charter
To their voice to be heard
From their culture or religion
In the absolute freedom
Without any peoples
Feeling authorized
To be their guide
In the name of any supremacy
Or race culture or religion
Since if it would be so
And as such it would happen today
This would not be the third Millennium
But the World would have gone backwards
To the first Millennium
And willing to be right and impartial
It would be proper
To go even further back in time
In other Millenniums
Where these peoples
Considered underdeveloped
By the modern civilizations
Were the most advanced
Having in their cultural patrimony
Some knowledge